
The metal sector in Southeast Estonia surprises through a skilled workforce, extensive outsourcing opportunities as well as specialisation in the manufacture of innovative products.

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The metal sector in Southeast Estonia surprises through a skilled workforce, extensive outsourcing opportunities as well as  specialisation in the manufacture of innovative products.
Fifty years ago, there were dozens of metal and repair workshops in the collective and state farms in Southeast Estonia. They served the large agricultural and construction companies of the time. The equipment and machinery, tractors and combine harvesters always needed to be repaired and maintained, and, therefore, in addition to agriculture, a strong competence in metalworking also developed.

Today, this competence still exists in Southeast Estonia, but now it has found new and innovative niches.

The factory in Antsla, which was completed as recently as 2020, performs fine laser cutting of various metals and manufactures metal structures for the Scandinavian market.

In Põlva, all kinds of stainless steel inventory for kitchens, food industries and stores are also made for the Scandinavian, Russian and Baltic markets.

In Võru, manufactured items include aluminium furnaces for hot tubs, aluminium tool boxes and sauna water tanks.

There are actually many companies in the region that focus on metalworking, although the metal itself is imported. Skills and interest in metalwork have been preserved so well in the
Southeast Estonia region that, in addition to wood, there are also metal specialties in the local vocational schools.

An investor who wants to start production here will find cooperation partners for metal structures who have a bold and innovative attitude to product development as well as
subcontracting opportunities.

Cooperation partners in the sector

Võrumaa Kutsehariduskeskus


The metal industry is involved in several fields, such as manufacture and construction of machinery and equipment. The metal industry employs more than 14,000 people in Estonia, making it one of the largest industries after the timber industry and next to the food industry.

For more information on the sector, you are welcome to send your questions and inquiries to the e-consultation application. #Your successful business starts here!

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