Southeast Estonia with it´s clean natural environment welcomes you! #Investor – this is your opportunity to expand green and sustainable business opportunities in Võru, Valga and Põlva counties

What we expect from you: # sustainability, # innovativeness, # green mentality. What we offer: # comprehensive assistance in all matters related to dealing with local municipalities and government agencies, help establish contacts, and obtain support

6 513 km2 area
2 863 km2 forest land
2 311 km2 arable land
87 301 population
1 903 vocational school students
9,7% unemployment rate
3:00 h Tallinn 3:10 h Riga 5:30h Petersburg
247 km distance to Tallinn airport 242 km distance to Riga airport
195 km Pärnu 234 km Riga 252 km Tallinn 290 km Paldiski

investment opportunities

#Investor and entrepreneur! Come bring your green and environmentally sustainable investment project, company and jobs To Southeast Estonia! You will find the best local competencies and support in the field of services in the wood sector, green and bioeconomy, food sector, teleworking, recreation, transport and logistics.

Investor privilege

We approach each investor personally
and facilitate fast business at both the
state and rural municipality level (e.g.
planning process).

We provide help and guidance with
applying for various subsidies:

The aim of the support measure is to contribute to the development of the Southeast Estonia region by supporting the development and innovation of entrepreneurship and the creation of more diverse employment opportunities. The application round is open once a year.


The Setomaa Programme is aimed at the part of the historic Setomaa region which is located on the national territory of Estonia – the Setomaa rural municipality. The aim of the programme is to keep the region viable by developing the business environment and human capital in Setomaa. The pre-application round for the Setomaa Programme is organised by the Võru County Development Centre.


ARIB is a government agency whose goal is to support the development of Estonian rural life and all our activities are aimed at improving the quality of life in the rural areas..


EIC is the custodian of the future, with the support of which thousands of projects are implemented every year to improve and preserve the environmental condition in Estonia, remedy environmental damage or reproduce natural resources.


The activities contribute to achieving the long-term strategic goals of the Estonian economy and our further aim is to facilitate the process of Estonia becoming one of the most competitive countries in the world.


Why invest in Southeast Estonia?

  • Unique natural environment
  • Quiet and relaxing living
  • Rich cultural heritage
Stable, enterprising and educated workforce
Smart and swift business solutions
Diverse industries
Smart teleworking opportunities
Competence of research and education institutions

key opportunities

Estonia is a smart choice!

We offer:
* innovative technologies
* clean raw materials
* qualified professionals
* Nordic business ethics
* opportunity to invest in the green

We help you to communicate with leading Estonian companies!

Need more information?

Doing business in Estonia – how does it work? How to benefit from e-solutions and the peculiarities of our business culture? What are the opportunities in specific sectors? Who are the cooperation partners?

Southeast Estonian county business experts and investor consultants help and support the preparation of investments and finding cooperation partners in the Võru, Valga and Põlva regions. Our team is happy to help you with a free e-consultation service